The Oscillating Wall 2023
100cm x 240cm x 62cm
UV print on eight sheets of plywood, metalic materials, screw nails, Installation view
Throughout history, global movement and travel have impacted the basic ontological concepts of space and time. Contemporary global cultures, however, seem ever more transient, moving back and forth between places with the notion of home becoming more distant and sometimes absent, replaced perhaps by the new technologies of connectivity. Does this lack of belonging, continuity and loss of anthropological place create a new form of contemporary nostalgia? The image depicting a red brick residence landscape discovered in my mother's archive made me remember my childhood home. I printed a fragment of the wall on eight pieces of 5mm plywood. The interconnected printed bricks formed three-dimensional objects, creating angles that seemed to oscillate in the planes. Red bricks in Korea are historically used as a background to create an era - establishing colonial aesthetics and revealing the social and economic status of residents. But, in the contemporary context, they can suggest the past and inspire nostalgia as traces of that culture. The material forms interacting with these images exist in dialogue with themselves, creating communal value. The possibility of imagining an alternative, 'other place' to the one we know and eliciting these allegorical connections through Photosculpture is a way of imagining nostalgia in my mind. In that sense, the work connotes how a specific past can be recorded, mediated and re-experienced by the materiality and sculptural qualities.27/01/24